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Lion Of Judah

My personal story

Life, Faith, Confidence

Hello there,

My Name is Tamar Bryan, creator, designer and administrator of this website. I'm too legit to quit (M.C. Hammer)

I'm a fun loving person who loves Anime, Gaming, Family, Technology,  Sci-Fi and Old Kung-fu Movies and most of all I love The Most High God.

Was once an extroverted person in an out of the church, but a robbery at gun point and the resulting PTSD changed that whole dynamic. Being inside I did a Web Designing Class, so I decided to put my newly acquired skills to use.

This site is a reflection of me flawed and a work in progress. So as I continue to grow so will the site.

I'm a Seventh Day Adventist Christian. I believe Christ died so that we might live. This blog is to spread the good news of the Gospel. 

I am 36 years old and I've been through a lot in my life, but through it all I know I am the Lord's.

Why Lion of Judah, well somedays I feel like the "Kitten of Barbados". but with a Lion at my side I know everything will be alright.

Just hope that this site touches someone who is in dark times that they may see that their are not alone.

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