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Healthy Living

This is the beginning of a Health Section of my blog. As a Christian our bodies are the temple of God and as such we should be treating them like in by putting in healthy and food God said is safe to eat. Will be putting recipes ( for vegan and non-vegan), health tips, videos and scriptures. Hope you like it.

Almond Milk


You can use regular raw almonds or blanched. It's not a huge deal to use regular, but it does take time to remove the skins.



raw almonds - 1 cup

dates - 3

water - 2 1/2 cups

vanilla - 1/2 teaspoon


If you are using blanched almonds:


Soak almonds overnight

If you use unblanched almonds:


Soak almonds in hot water for 2 hours

Skin will be loose - remove from almonds. If is they don't come off easy, soak a bit more.

For everyone:


Put ingredients in a blender and blend well

Pour through cheese cloth

After the almond milk is made, take the leftover almonds and dry them out in the oven on low heat until it is completely dried out. Store in the freezer until you are ready to use it.


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